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2024 Summer Program: July 10 - August 12

Academics and adventures.

Riverview的十大正规网赌平台排名是学生保持学术水平的理想机会, 在美丽的科德角享受与同伴的社交机会的同时,提高独立生活和执行能力.

Riverview的暑期学校为三个不同的年龄组提供课程, ages 11-15; High School, ages 14-19; and the Transition Program, GROW(为外面的世界做好准备)服务于17-21岁的人.

无论是只选择夏季课程还是学年的入门课程, 初中和高中暑期课程旨在保持学术水平, build independent living skills, and provide social opportunities with peers. 

During the summer, the Transition Program (GROW) is designed to teach vocational, independent living, and social skills while reinforcing academics. 为了参加暑期课程,GROW学生必须在下一学年注册.

河景的暑期体验为学生提供了一个理想的机会, whether coming in for the new school year or not, to become acquainted with campus life, teachers, residential faculty and peers.

Middle & High School summer


学术指导提供每个工作日上午使用主题,综合课程. Reading, writing and the arts are connected to a central theme, which provides a meaningful, multi-sensory learning environment. 学生还接受数学指导,并参加选修课,以探索新的兴趣. The 2023 Summer Theme is: Australia, Land of Diversity.

Activities and Outings

Riverview Summer is about adventures and having fun! 学生们通过参加体育赛事来体验科德角的夏天, dances, whale watching, beach outings, water parks, kayaking, deep sea fishing and cultural events, such as concerts and plays—teenage experiences!

For Example:

  • Concerts on the Green (Cape Cod & Plymouth)

  • Cape Cod Baseball League

  • Sandwich Boardwalk

  • Personal Shopping

  • Main Street Strolls

  • Barnstable County Fair

  • Kayaking/Paddleboarding/Tubing

  • Cape Cod National Seashore

  • Movies

  • Cape Cod Beaches

  • Day at Camp Greenough

  • Bookstore Visits

  • Canal and Beach Walks

  • Local Hikes

Social Skills

社交技能培训是河景项目的基石之一. 所有活动都旨在加强合作技能和个人成长. 郊游可以让在课堂上学到的技能在社区的所有环境和环境中得到实践.

Independent Living Skills

Students learn how to plan their time, 完成家务来照顾他们的房间和公共生活空间, and budget their money to make purchases in the community. 他们还学习如何自我倡导和学习执行功能技能.

Summer Day Students:走读学生参加暑期课程,从上午8:30到下午4:45,每周五天. 旨在反映学校寄宿计划的工作日上午和下午部分, 日间课程遵循与寄宿学生相同的高标准. 家长和/或学区负责所有往返日间课程的交通.

GROW summer

Riverview的GROW十大正规网赌平台排名是为高中毕业的学生(17-21岁)提供的为期五周的教育体验. 该项目旨在培养学生的职业和独立生活技能,同时加强学术能力.


GROW的学生在暑假期间参加学术活动,继续培养实用阅读能力, writing, and math skills. 学生们还参加下午的选修课,让他们有机会参加活动,发展个人和娱乐兴趣.

Vocational Training

Students rotate through career exploratory fields, 他们在哪里接触到工作以及与每个职位相关的基础技能. 在课程结束时,学生将获得工作探索性评估.

Activities and Outings

除了辛苦的工作,GROW的夏天也是关于冒险和玩乐的! 学生们通过参加体育赛事来体验科德角的夏天, whale watching, beach outings, water parks, kayaking, deep sea fishing and cultural events.

For example:

  • Concerts on the Green (Cape Cod & Plymouth)

  • Cape Code Baseball League

  • Sandwich Boardwalk

  • Personal Shopping

  • Main Street Strolls

  • Barnstable County Fair

  • Kayaking/Paddleboarding/Tubing

  • Cape Cod National Seashore

  • Movies

  • Cape Cod Beaches

  • Day at Camp Greenough

  • Bookstore Visits

  • Canal and Beach Walks

  • Local Hikes

Social Skills

Young adult experiences allow for the development of social competency; building and maintaining friendships. Additionally, GROW students learn how to self-advocate.

Independent Living Skills

GROW学生学习如何计划活动,安排交通和预算他们的钱. 他们做家务来照顾他们的房间和公共生活空间, as well as go grocery shopping and cook meals.

Who Should Apply

Finding the Right Fit

十大正规网赌平台排名非常重视候选人的整体申请的适当性, the number of openings in each grade and dorm, 并确保申请人和目前入学的学生之间的良好契合.

Riverview长期致力于神经多样性,并继续招收神经分化的学生. 我们的课程支持不同学习方式的儿童和青少年.


  • Is described as gentle, friendly, kind, and naive

  • Diagnosed language, learning and cognitive disabilities

  • 渴望交朋友,并对与他人建立关系感兴趣

  • 寻求社会和课外活动的机会,如参加运动队, attending dances, participating in drama, music, art and student government

  • 对有组织的、支持性的、可预测的环境反应良好

  • Capable of greater success in the academic environment

  • 是否已掌握基本的日常生活技巧及个人卫生及自我护理

  • 轻微的医疗问题使日常活动复杂化,但不会影响日常活动

  • 智商和成就得分在65-90之间或功能能力在这个范围内(很多时候存在很大的差异)

Please Note: Students demonstrating a history of emotional, behavioral, psychiatric disorders, or requiring a therapeutic environment, are not able to be considered.

如果您认为河景可能适合您的孩子,请填写 inquiry form or call us at 508-888-0489 with any questions you may have.

Visit our Admissions page 浏览常见问题解答、安排信息会议和获取更多信息.

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